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Learn Real Estate Title Abstracting

From a Professional Title Company. We have been training Since 1980!

Are you a Veteran or Wounded Warrior, then this course may be for you!

The need for real estate title abstractors is in high demand throughout the Country. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to be a part of this very lucrative career field. Work From Home!

Our course will walk you through the process of doing a full title search on any parcel of property and is the perfect solution for INVESTORS to increase their knowledge on property PRIOR to making a bid at auction. This is a procedure that, once mastered, can be applied to any type of real estate search or related field. Whether it be for Mineral Rights or Real Estate Title Abstracting, your skill will be in high demand!

Get trained by experienced Abstractors who know the business and can assist you in each step of the process!

From a Professional Title Company. We have been training

You have a tight schedule? We're flexible. You want a top quality professional instructor? We are the best! We graduate more students than anyone else and were the first to offer comprehensive formal online training for the real estate abstracting industry,

Personal Attention Quality Education Training Manual Videos Proven Results

Now you can study at home, the office or while traveling. This course will take you through the entire process of a full title exam.

After enrolling, you will have immediate access to the online course - including Training Manual, Training Videos and ongoing email and phone support. Follow along in the book as you take the online portion of the course. When you have finished several sections, proceed to the County Recorders Office and follow the easy step-by-step procedures outlined in the Manual. Repeat this process with the other sections of the course and you will quickly develop the skills and knowledge necessary to complete a real estate title search.

If you are in the Record Room and have a question, you can call and receive PROFESSIONAL instruction. This value-added benefit is worth much more than the cost of the program itself!

We offer a new level of quality, convenience and value for home study programs!

This comprehensive online course is designed for individuals interested in becoming a professional full/part time Title Abstractor. This is not just a book. This is a course that has been created by professional Title Abstractors to teach you the proper procedures for completing a full title search on any parcel of land.

Our course is designed to give you a complete understanding of the Tax Assessors Office, Tax Commissioners Office,and the Deed Record Room. You will complete a full title search on an actual property during your training. This is the most effective and efficient way to learn.

We have taught thousands of students over the last 25 years and many have gone on to open their own title company. We are the first and most renowned Title Abstracting Training School in the country and used by Title Companies, Law Firms and Investors as their primary training solution!

Includes: TRAIN TO PROFIECIENCY. No Additional fees or charges. Includes One on One instruction! No time limits!

Train with the professionals that are currently in the business of title abstracting.

Now Only $99.00. Regularly $189.00 This is an educational course and we do not offer Refunds!

William Stephen


Learn Real Estate Title Search Course

In Learn Real estate Title search course, you will learn how to do a full title search procedure on any parcel of land - Residential or Commercial. Taught by the largest title abstracting training school in the Country. Money Back Guarantee! Call if you have any questions concerning this course.


1216+ Students already Joined to our Course, it’s the first step